October 2020
Scotland On Mars
To help inform the Scottish Government’s long-term plan for healthcare services, I’ve been working on a game with MadeByPlay aimed at capturing young people’s opinions and attitudes towards potential future healthcare scenarios. The game, called Scotland On Mars, invites players across the country to design and launch Mars’ new healthcare service (MHS) before 20,000 Scottish settlers arrive. In amongst the fun — the RoboRangers vs Cyborg Celtic derby; IronBru’s first factory on Mars — players attempt to balance sensitive issues relating to healthcare data as they create their perfect MHS. Using players responses, a report with recommendations was prepared to help the Scottish Government’s research and planning.
Scotland On Mars
To help inform the Scottish Government’s long-term plan for healthcare services, I’ve been working on a game with MadeByPlay aimed at capturing young people’s opinions and attitudes towards potential future healthcare scenarios. The game, called Scotland On Mars, invites players across the country to design and launch Mars’ new healthcare service (MHS) before 20,000 Scottish settlers arrive. In amongst the fun — the RoboRangers vs Cyborg Celtic derby; IronBru’s first factory on Mars — players attempt to balance sensitive issues relating to healthcare data as they create their perfect MHS. Using players responses, a report with recommendations was prepared to help the Scottish Government’s research and planning.